Sunday, November 4, 2007

Trees. Cows. Slippers. And Those No Longer Living.

I love trees. I don't think anyone knows this about me- that I have some strange fascination and attachment to trees. It sounds strange, I'm sure but really it's not. In America, Summer is my favorite season, but here I find myself in love with fall. It is somehow different here, than it is at home. Sure, leaves change color and fall from trees leaving leaves to crunch under your feet- in both places- but there is more to the Autumn experience than just that. And I guess I just like what the Czech Republic brings to the table at this time of year.

We went to go visit family in the country today, and while we were there we took a short walk. As we walked I found myself taking in the different shades of greens, reds, yellows, and oranges that the trees had to offer. There was this one tree in particular that caught my eye- that had turned to this shade of orange, that simply made me very happy. Yes, that's right, a tree made me happy.

It is strange to me how thought provoking a tree can be- I wish I could explain to you how many thoughts were prompted by the sight of that tree. I wish for just a moment that you could have been in my head- could have experienced what simply seeing a tree brought to thought in my head.
I'm probably strange- having thoughts provoked by a tree- but here is a picture of that tree in case it is able to do the same for you.

We kept walking until we reached this barn, which I walked into only to find some of the most massive cows I have ever seen in my life. And this one, well I swear it kept staring at me, so it went from strange to even stranger. Having thoughts provoked by trees to having weird bonding moments with cows. Perhaps all this time I have for thinking is causing me to lose my mind....

Upon leaving we hopped in the car and headed for another village to go place candles at the grave of my host mom's mother.

As soon as we arrived at the cemetery and emerged from the car my host mom's demeanor instantly changed. We walked to the grave that was beautifully decorated with wreaths and candles and added two candles- both of which my host mom lit. And as she returned to standing upright from lighting the candles she just sort of stood there- as though someone had punched her in the gut and she was still in shock. I wish I could depict her facial expression properly- explain the change that occured in her eyes- but I simply don't know how.

Yet watching the change occur in her right before my eyes, all I wanted to do was cry. In fact, I found myself blinking back to prevent big welts of water from forming in my eyes.

I really don't like cemeteries. I know that is probably assumed, although I know people that actually like going to them- I decided today that I really don't understand those people.
I don't like the sorrowful feeling that washes over me when I visit them- and for some reason I just feel wrong in being there to begin with, like I'm invading some sacred thing that I have no right to invade.

My host mom had given me the choice to stay home this morning. I'm really glad I didn't take that option.

We stopped at the store before we left this morning and my host mom comes out with a case of beer and this plastic bag. Upon getting in the car she turns in the front seat to face me in the back and hands me the bag saying "This is for you"
So I open the bag only to find these purple and pink dog slippers. haha. Let me explain.
Here, as in the Czech Republic, everyone wears like thes house slippers- they don't really just go around bare foot or in socks, they wear their slippers. So, today my host mom bought me a pair. I guess she thought I needed them.

And although they make me laugh and are not anything I would ever buy or wear- I'm wearing them proudly on my feet as I write this- because I feel like it was the final thing in my induction to the family.


Anonymous said...

I loved this blog!!! The slipper's are great, I love that they are a dog... ha ha ha......FUNNY!!! You know why!!! It was all touching and more then an eyes to the sky moment!!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad you keep "WRITING"! People are "READING"!!! So much to be gained from what you have to say... You amaze me!

Oh, Confusion said...

so since i gave up the luring trap of myspace for 2 whole weeks, [shocking, i know, since this time i'm not studying for the AP test...except that time it was a whole month]
but anyways...
i miss you darling.
and it is the most beautiful fall yet.
the colors are amazing and it rarely ever rains.
today was perfectly sunny.
and i went on a run.

perhaps it is just because i'm getting older that i'm acquiring more and more appreciation for natural beauty, but really....
it has been a gorgeous autumn.

i miss you so much dear.
and OH!
today i was in the mall with my mom because we were buying me a peacoat and underwear, and guess who gets on the escalator afer me???

the ipod jamming bean pole.
[see, we can no longer call him 'right' because that position has been stripped from him and filled by his best friend.]
so anyways...
i felt animosity and happiness at the same time.
which made me more frusterated.

miss you.
love you.

ice chewing, salad making, [still] life saving, four getting redhead...