Saturday, September 8, 2007


* pictures are the view from the bell tower

So yesterday was Friday....

and I didn't go to school.

Already a skipper? No not so much, let me explain.

So i got up and got ready and walked to the autobus ( alone, YES! I get around this town alone now which is rather exciting) and I was sitting in class, Czech Literature, when my host sister came and got me and told me I needed to go to the hospital to get my physical exam done ( for insurance here)

so i left school and got on the autobus and went to the hospital, and they took my blood and made me pee in a cup and then I was free to go. They are checking me for HIV, which I found rather funny, I laughed really hard. Not at HIV, which is not funny in the least( I watched Phildelphia in Czech with english subtitles it has Tom Hanks in it and he has AIDS, it as very sad, but really good, its like from 1994, you should watch it) anyways so then my host dad, who was like you can go back to school now.

and i was like " well ummm, actually I was wondering if it would be okay if I went to the store, I need to get a few things, and then if I just go home and pack( for language camp)"

anyways he said yes, so I got on the autobus once again and I went to the shopping center, and looked around, I am obsessed with the jeans here, which are amazing and the shoes, OH god THE SHOES!

and then I went around town taking pictures, and then after hours and hours I finally made it home and started packing...and as I'm packing my host dad comes and tells me that Martina has plans with her friends and that she isn't going with him to do his bell thing he does, and it was up to me if I wanted to go.

Well so naturally I went and we drove an hour in the car( which was a beautiful drive, i am in love with Southern Bohemia) and talked all about the Bell foundry and how he got started in it, and talked about bells during World War II and how the Germans destroyed all the bells, anyways it was all very interesting. We also talked about how he decided to become a doctor and various other things.

But then we got to this town, and we went through this old wooden side door, and climbed these metal princess like tower stairs and climbed and climbed, and then we came to several flights of old wooden rickety stairs that wavered as you stepped upon them, and finally we were up in this bell tower, with these bells, and this old wood all around, and these big wooden shutters and it was all so very much to take in. I had never been up in a bell tower before and I think doing so in Southern Bohemia, Czech Republic for the first time was a good choice. The view from up there was simply amazing, the houses, the trees and hills in the distance, I could have stayed up there for hours, fascinated with all that was around me. So I watched as my host dad repaired the bell, and then we got back in the car and talked all the way home about various things.

So maybe I didn't go to school, but I learned a lot yesterday, a lot more than if I would have gone to school, since I am not yet able to understand what is going on. All in good time.

So I have been here a week, yes I left home a week ago thursday, but I didn't get here until midnight on friday, and so my time didn't really start here until last Saturday.

I leave for language camp for two weeks today,
and then Katka and Katka and Hanka and Allana and I are supposed to go to a pub when I get back to celebrate my birthday.
I am spending the vast majority of my 17th year in Europe, which is a rather exciting thought.
I have taken lots of pictures, but it will be awhile before I am able to get them on here. You can wait.
Okay well I don't know if I'll have internet access at camp, so if not I will be writing to you when I get back.

Oh and BREEGAN BROOKE- THE HISTORY- or opportunity for such a thing in a bell tower, well it would be pretty amazing- and perhaps not just ordinary history, but the earth shaking life changing type.......haha GET IT???? I hope you got it, if not tell me, and I won't be as vague, but considering other people read this.... well you know.

and JOS---- well if there was a Wendy's in the the bell tower it would then be complete hahahahahahaha

and Husband I'm sure you would be happy to know that my host dad saw me in my bra. I was getting my blood taken and then the doctor told me to lift my shirt so he could check my heart beat, and my host dad was in the room because well he is a doctor and he had to take me because I can't speak Czech well yet, anyways I thought that would make you laugh hard. like really hard. I hope it did. I miss you, and listen to your voice message often---all the things you said, well it meant a lot, and on days when I start to doubt myself I listen to it, and well the singing just makes it that much better. I do believe that that song is REQUIRED at our wedding. haha. Hope all is well, I need your e-mail so I can e-mail you I've had lots to tell you, but NO E-MAIL, FIX THAT!

James- I miss your cooking, a whole whole lot, I have lost 3.5 kg since being here, I don't know what that means, but I don't eat a whole lot these days. And I'm looking forward to giving the pigme pigs bubble baths hahahahahahha that made me laugh so hard. Your whole voice message, made me laugh.

George- I miss park nights cheez its and mixed cd's already. Well and you too, haha.

Mom- I love and miss you, all of your e-mails are such a comfort especially the one's that let me know I'm being too hard on myself and that I just need to cool it.

and Zane- the best boy in my life, well I miss being told you love me more than anything in the entire world, I miss your hugs, and I hope you are DOING your homework, haha.

Chow my friends,
until I write again


asbrahim said...

HAHAHA. That did make me laugh! Naughty Naughty. Also up in an empty belltower together? How romantic!

My email is Email me!

Soulmate said...

i wonder how many people are questioning that statement i get it of course!

asbrahim said...

Today your mom came over and we had some good laughs about you. I informed her about you and your host daddy's pedophiliacal escapades. I miss you!

Oh, Confusion said...


dont do it.
it has to be a castle.

OMG. ok so at the colbie concert, george and i were in line behind this lady, and she had a pin on her bag that said "well behaved women rarely make history"
and OMG i freaked out.
ask george. i flipped.
and i took a picture of it, trying not to look like i was taking a picture of her ass.
it was awkward. lol.
i miss you love.