Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Psychology. Funky Dresses. Nucleur Power Plants.Math And other Random Information.

Psychology- I am rather excited to report that I am actually going to start learning in this class. Yesterday my teacher came up to me and told me that he was going to prepare material for me to read in English. I was thrown by the fact that my teacher even spoke English, because until yesterday he had never said a word to me. Well, I was really excited when he told me this as I'm currently thirsting for knowledge,I miss learning- I'm not going to lie. So then upon seeing my excitement he told me that if I wanted he could make me tests too. So natually, being the person that I am, I jumped at the offer. I will soon be gaining knowledge in an area I am very much interested in. So that is good.

Dresses- Well there is only one dress, and it is rather funky- but I pull it off so it's all good. I had an hour break between my classes yesterday-so I went shopping, and just happened upon this dress.

Nucleur Power Plants- I am going on a field trip to one on Friday, which is sort of a hard concept for me to wrap my head around- we don't take field trips to Nucleur Power Plants in America- they're dangerous. Anyways it should be intersting- but I won't be posting pictures because cameras are not allowed.

Math- I don't understand math, so I figured if I can't learn it- then I will document the teacher teaching so today in math this is what I did:

Oh and I forgot to share this very important picture from Prague with you:

I cracked so many joke about that sign- I do believe the people I was with got rather annoyed with me- but they were funny jokes- I promise.

That's it for today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the one with the weird connection!!!! Did you finally get all my emails???? I liked your experienced guide pic and I can only imagine your comments!!!!! JYAMK.....